Three Types of User Data Storage

Jul 1, 2024

The storage of user data is crucial to deliver the best user experience. It includes all of the information that a user downloads onto their device to use an app and should be secured against unauthorized access. There are a variety of types of storage options for user data, each with their own pros and cons. This article will focus on three storage options for user data including local data storage, session data storage and app data.

Local Storage

Locally stored information allows the application to run offline, which reduces the dependence on a constant internet connection. This type of storage is a good choice for apps that need tiny amounts of data in order to function, such as custom settings. Locally stored data is not persistent across sessions, and is erased when the app is closed.

Session Storage

Similar to local storage session-based storage is an excellent option for applications needing short-term data storage. Session storage is less expensive than local storage, and can be used to store data that does not need to be saved. For instance, login credentials or other secure data.

App developers can get customer information three methods: either by asking for it or deducing it from the user’s actions on the site, or by purchasing it. Customers must be informed of the use of their information and given the option to refuse or correct any mistakes. It is also essential to store data in a standard format that allows for easy integration and exchange.